Tag Archives: December 2013 Issue
Business Heroine Magazine

Idea Orgasms and Self-Validation: An Argument for Under-Sharing

I used to be an over-sharer. It’s my nature, especially if I’m really in a tizzy about something. When it comes to business ideas, goals, and pipe dreams the minute it crosses my mind my first inclination is to blurt it out to anyone within ear shot. Funny thing is, I realized that despite conventional more »

Business Heroine Magazine

3 Big Money Mistakes (And How to Work Through Them!)

Money mistakes… I’ve made a few… “One day” I’ll be perfect with money (won’t that be nice) but until that happens, I choose to forgive myself unconditionally for my imperfection with money! Even though I have a successful 6-figures business, I still have new learnings about money ALL the time. Here are some of my more »

Business Heroine Magazine

Heroine Animal Allies: Embrace Your Inner Skunk! (Why A Strong Defense is Your Best Offense)

Heroine Animal Allies: We all need allies in our life and, as you step into the business jungle, power animals are on your side. These spiritual allies show up with messages to support you along your heroine’s journey, guiding you to be courageous, confident, crafty, outspoken, elegant, speedy, or alert to opportunity. Each month, a more »
