Tag Archives: February 2015 Issue
Mompreneur- Lex Vernon on Baby-Business Integration

Mompreneur: Lex Vernon on Baby-Business Integration

Mompreneur: The bountifully feminine, glowing maternal leader. She wears two distinguishing capes, birthing far more than product launches and six-figure ideas. She is the mother of business and babies – both made from passion, nurtured with love, and raised to be the best expression of what they can be in the world. To she who births the more »

NIchole Labonde (Business Heroine Magazine)

Through My Divorce

After I got divorced, I was looking for a way to reclaim my body, my femininity, my sexuality.   My ex-husband accused me of being frigid. Uninterested in sex. Selfish. Career-centered. He wasn’t altogether wrong. I had found work I loved and threw myself into it, full force. But he certainly wasn’t right.   But more »

Mikki Kingrey (Business Heroine Magazine)

Do You NEED New Clients?

And when we are in a place of NEEDing new clients, that can be an interesting catch.  Of course needing new clients to keep the business going is a common experience many business owners experience – especially in the earlier stages. However, there is a different energy that comes about when we are needing new more »

Svetlana Saitsky (Business Heroine Magazine)

This Is It.

  I warn them, I always do. I tell them right away that I’m a bit of a witch. That I’m hypersensitive, emotional, vulnerable, open, transparent and authentic to the bone. At least as much as humanly possible. And I feel like I enchant them often. And they enchant me back. Because I let them. more »

Denise Duffield-Thomas (Business Heroine Magazine)

How to Fire a Nightmare Client (With Class and Dignity)

Confession time: Have you ever taken on a client that you knew was going to be a pain in the ass, and then they actually were? Now, we’ve all been there, sometimes a bit desperate for cash, maybe you’re a little bit unsure about who you should be working with and you’ve taken on a client more »

Liz Dialto (Business Heroine Magazine)

Desire + Humanity

One of Life’s greatest and most constant opportunities is to own our experiences. Our experiences make us who we are. They remind us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. As painful as it is to see and realize, we have a role in all of them. Even the really unpleasant ones that more »

Amélie Lamont (Business Heroine Magazine)

The Uncomfort Zone of Being an Entrepreneur

Today I’m taking responsibility and putting myself out there. Yesterday, I felt uncomfortable. A prospective employer asked, “what do you want to do?” I’m not a fan of that question–it’s like the kiss of death to a multi–passionate person like myself. (And it’s the reason I work for myself.) I told him, “probably design.” “Probably?” more »
