Tag Archives: July 2014 Issue
Business Heroine Magazine

Daily Rituals That Will Fulfill Your Deepest Desires

I have been leaning into the question: How can I enjoy this present moment even more? This question has gotten me thinking and feeling into what it really means to be fully present, fulfilled and in my higher-self. I have spent the past month reading, attending workshops and seminars and reminding myself of the most important more »

HEROINE INTERVIEW: Untame Your Spirit Animal – Foxy Pickett on Awakening Your Wild Forbidden Life

Foxy Pickett (a.k.a. Emelie Archer Pickett) is a contemporary shaman, bringing animal medicine to those craving a more soul-aligned, wild life. Due to its playful nature and quick, tangible results, her work has been called “more effective than years of traditional therapies.” Through totem readings, integration sessions, and interactive learning in her online shamanic university, more »
