Tag Archives: June 2013 Issue
Meghann Conter (Business Heroine Magazine)

Social Media Engagement Success – It’s All in the Foundation

  A question I get frequently from small business owners is “how do I get more fan engagement.” This question can point to the lack of a developed social media strategy, or at least an underdeveloped content strategy, or the need to tweak their existing strategy. As marketers of any brand, there are two assets more »

Robbin Simons (Business Heroine Magazine)

World Wide List Building with Amazon

By leveraging technology and platforms like Amazon, your ebook and YOUR BUSINESS becomes searchable and findable ALL OVER THE WORLD – forever. Taking advantage of this technology, your eBook can instantly become available on all the top eBook retailer shelves where readers will discover your message through online merchandising systems, search engines, reader reviews, and more »

Kara McKay (Business Heroine Magazine)

Sacred Sassy Heroine – Stretch Marks of Success

Sacred Sassy Heroine: This is the every day goddess within each woman. It is she who harnesses the unfeigned feminine energy that makes you divine. She embraces all-she-is and struts it like she means it. Tonight is the full moon. This cosmic event serves as a reminder to crack out of your proper exoskeleton and reconnect more »
