Tag Archives: work life balance
Alexis Pierce (Business Heroine Magazine)

You Get To Decide How You Feel

Each morning when I wake up, I marvel at the sunrise then almost immediately feel overwhelmed by everything I want to do: – go for a run – meditate – practice yoga – write to you – finish projects – clean the house – start on the next project The list goes on and on more »

Hillary Rubin (Business Heroine Magazine)

5 Lessons From A Mompreneur

My family recently had a very, very, very special day: My son Odin’s 2nd birthday and my 2nd anniversary of being a mompreneur. Can I get a HELL YES?!?! I remember being in labor and doing the Closing Circle Celebration for my coach training program. Crazy pants how time flies when you have a child and have more »

Denise Duffield-Thomas (Business Heroine Magazine)

The Easy-Breezy Balance Game Between Life and Business

I get asked how I achieve work-life balance a lot, and I think it’s because I’m a fairly chilled-out person who leads quite a relaxed life. I know people are curious about how I’ve been able to do that. Here’s how I achieve work-life balance: First of all, I think work-life balance only works if more »

Sarah Prout-Business Heroine Magazine

Mompreneur: Sarah Prout on Self-Compassion in Business and Motherhood

Mompreneur: The bountifully feminine, glowing maternal leader. She wears two distinguishing capes, birthing far more than product launches and six-figure ideas. She is the mother of business and babies – both made from passion, nurtured with love, and raised to be the best expression of what they can be in the world. To she who more »
