The Entrepreneurs Disease (And the Cure)

There is mass epidemic I see happening for awesome artists and legendary leaders of this land. This epidemic is coming down hard. It’s infecting many. It’s mildly injuring some. And others… I am sad to say…

It kills.

Their spirit.

The name of this disease?


IDon’tHaveTimeForFun tends to affect those that need it most…

She’s launching a new service working endless hours into the night. Thinking of one thing and one thing only. Working.  Screw that– Working HARD!  All. The. Time.

She’s got 5 projects she’s managing. Coaching here. Writing there. Singing tonight. Flying off to speak tomorrow. Keeping the house spotless. And the dinners she makes? Divine!

She’s just about to birth her baby. Business baby, that is. She’s got this idea and that idea. And people are telling her she should work social media and create a newsletter and do videos and network and…

She says she’s focused. But if you look deeper, if you question longer, if you really listen…

She’s collapsed “focused” with fun-lessness… and somehow the two have become one.

If you ask why, she replies with a shrug…“IDon’tHaveTimeForFun.”

BAM! She’s been hit.

Another one bites the dust.

You don’t have time for fun???

You magical, playful, CREATURE of joy… Wow you really have forgotten. (That’s part of the epidemic. No one else is having a lot of fun. The world works. And the spirit sleeps.)

Fun multiplies your hard work times like—a trillion. And raises your vibration so you attract things beyond your wildest imagination.

Fun creates things that work alone… can’t.

Fun makes your heart happy. So you live healthier.

Fun makes your life sing.

Fun make your biz much more… fun. So others start noticing. And wanting to play with you. And suddenly… you’re a magnet.

Fun creates a ripple effect… so your boyfriend and your children and your neighbors and your pets feel it.

Fun allows space for million dollar ideas and life changing art.

Fun is your birth right. One of the main reasons you’re here.

If you are in that stage of illness where the disease has hit ya hard… and you literally have forgotten how to have fun. I got ya covered. There is a cure and you can heal the workaholic within.

Try these outta-the-box suggestions…

Join a flash mob. I co-produced one for V-day this Feb. 14th and I can’t express in words how much FUN me and my girlfriends had. Dance, baby, dance.

Book an improv day in your calendar. No Plan. No rigid schedule. Improv= improvising. So wake up and let your spirit lead you.

Go on a ‘magical child’ date with your girlfriends. There’s only one rule–everybody must embody their magical child for the day. So that might mean, skipping down the street on the way to get ice cream. For breakfast. Then finger painting. Then…who knows? Have your magical children decide.

Forget masterminding. Bring the magical child into your biz. Get together with your biz partner or your support group and lean into the next fun step or project. Your Magical Child calls the shots on this one.

To thriving and not just surviving– right badass?


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