The Power of Coincidence
“When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their inner meaning, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities. This is when magic begins.” ~ Deepak Chopra
Let me start by saying I am not one that believes in pure luck or that things fall miraculously upon one’s lap. I believe that when we make specific choices, and if they are made with conviction and meaning, a series of events will unfold that will lead to results aligned with the things we desire. And no, I am not pulling this out of my ass, I truly believe this because my experience in my past and current life that taught me this.
There was a time in my life when I made choices and decisions without consulting my heart. I made them only from my head, and didn’t connect with the core of my heart because I wanted to be responsible and do what I thought was “right”. So even when I felt a weird nagging feeling where I was unsatisfied or unhappy, I continued to make decisions that only served the purpose of being comfortable and safe. Like the times I stayed in jobs that weren’t utilizing my best potential only to make a paycheck.
There was a time I shifted my mindset to attract only the type of work I see fit in my life and set the ball in motion to where I am today. However, there are certain “coincidences”, if you will, that I will now go into detail about the steps I took to get there.
Here is exactly what happened in sequence:
Quit my job with a start-up company I was working with to take a 2-month sabbatical in Asia to find myself and what makes me tick. Made a promise to myself that I will never take a job for the sake of money ever again and it MUST be aligned with where I want to be professionally and personally
Came back to Vancouver, paid a career & personality assessment company $400 to give me more answers on my skill sets, strengths, weaknesses, and where I thrive best. Found out my Top 10 career choices meant for me. #1 was “Teacher” (pondered on that and got slightly irritated that this was #1 since I thought at the time it meant that I was to be a school teacher!)
Two days later, a recruiter who found my resume online asked if I was interested to interview with a language school (interesting..), but they were hiring someone for more HR type position. Was about to refuse, but I remembered the assessment telling me that “teaching” should be a part of my life, so I decided to go anyway to practice my interview skills and find out what it’s all about. The owner of that company ended up creating another position for me that utilized my existing skills in order for me to come on board (I believe that this was another sign)
The universe threw in another job offer from a different company, one with the bells and whistles, and the temptation of an excellent salary, but something didn’t feel right. Even with the lavish office and million dollar company impression, something in my gut just said this was not where I NEED to be. I was now having to choose between going after a career with the dangling carrot of more money or a lower salary with an industry that was more towards my ultimate goals
Next morning, I woke up from a dream that I was talking to Cori (amazing chick!), a woman who supervises volunteers at a nursing home I volunteered at weekly. In my dream, Cori said to me, “Lydia, take the language school job,” and I awoke right after that. On the same day, I went to the nursing home for my regular volunteer shift, and told Cori about these 2 job offers. Believe it or not, Cori leapt up from her seat and said, “Hmm, how funny, my best friend’s friend owns that school, and I’ve met the owners, you should totally work for them!”
Long story short, I followed my heart and ended up working for a language school, allowing me to travel and promote education to kids around the world
If I didn’t set my intentions before I went on those interviews, or became aware of the ripple effect of the “signs” that were happening around me, I may have made a very different decision, based on fear of money or taking a job for the sake of a paycheck.
Everything had to happen for me to get to where I am today, but I had to follow my heart, and when you’re doing everything in alignment with your purpose, the universe will carve a path so clear for you that it’ll be easy for you to make the right decisions intended for your life.
My mission to you, if you choose to accept it:
The next time you are in a crossroad, where you have to make a choice about a specific situation or issue, take a moment to think about whether or not this decision is aligned with who you are at your core. Be aware of the feelings that come up from it, and bring that feeling into your heart section of your body, and hold it there.
I close my eyes, mentally move this energy of this feeling into my heart, and let it vibrate there. I take about 5-10 minutes to resonate with it, and if it’s a feeling of joy and positivity, I know it’s the right decision. If it’s in a place where I’m fighting with myself and feel that the reasons behind my decision are fearful or negative, I let it go.
After doing this, start to notice how you feel when you authentically choose the things you allow in your life, and what doors open for you when you do this.
I want to hear your stories about your experience with this, so share away below!
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