She’s A Changemaker: Don’t Let Blueprints SILENCE The Real YOU

She’s a Changemaker: Every heroine has a Changemaker within. She’s smitten with a dream that feels bigger than she is, and she dares to rise into it. She bravely steps beyond her fear, choosing instead her soul’s deepest desires. She has the audacity to disturb, defy, and go her own way. Heed the call of your inner fire, heroine, and together let’s change our world.

I hate when blueprints happen to good women. And when someone’s version of success (selling you a formula or blueprint that makes THEM a success) silences a woman’s true voice.

In the coaching space, this has been a problem. And thankfully, I’m seeing more women dodging the blueprints bullet.

Back in 2013, six months into my biz, I knew I was here to work with women who are meant to lead change.

I was called to bring women together in a big way, to do the healing work our world needs.

The magnitude of my mission and vision completely crushed me. It felt so big, and I, so small.

I was afraid. And I needed to know my business would be viable. I needed a “trusted system”

Soon, I fell into the trap too.

One success system, billionaire blueprint, and freedom formula after another, I was like a woman in a changing room trying to find the “right dress” only to realize it wasn’t made for me.

Sure, I learned a lot. And some of those worked for a few people. The outliers.

And I worked fucking hard to be a good student. And fit my BIG message into someone’s neat little blueprint.

But it never worked for me — not to get me to that promised land of Ease, Flow, or Magic.


Not a single time. Smoke and mirrors. Massive self-doubt. Fear.

It wasn’t until I ditched the blueprints and started to TRUST MY VOICE (no blueprints required) that magic, ease, flow, and success started to happen.

Here’s the hard truth:

A fucking blueprint is just a blueprint.

It’s not a magic wand. It’s not your  truth.  

It’s not going to be “the thing” that suddenly makes you feel confident, free, and completely in touch with the gold that’s inside you.

It’s not going to give you the words you need to become unignorable to the people whose life you’re meant to change.

It’s only a training wheel to help you learn foundations, but then you’re supposed to ditch it as soon as possible.

If you’re someone who loves blueprints and doesn’t feel trapped by them — then by all  means — use ’em.

But if you’re like me and you were born with a burning desire to lead epic change and make the world a better place, hear me out.

Declare now to DITCH the fucking blueprints. LOVE yourself enough to hear yourself, and put a loudspeaker to your soul.

Blueprints muffle the true power of women’s voices. They make good women doubt, and lose trust in themselves.

So, ditch ’em.

Instead, surround yourself with women who won’t be silenced.

Sisters who want to be heard and who’ll hear YOU (not the Photoshopped version of you).

You don’t need a template to broadcast your soul. Your true message is good enough to be naked and free.

I, for one, am drawing a line in the sand NOW.

ENOUGH. Women, you deserve to be you. Safe. Free.541 Heard and LOVED as you.

I won’t tell women who are born to lead the change they need to buy templates to find their voice. I won’t sell them THAT. no.

Instead, I will remind them to stay true to who they are — changemakers — and to be THEMSELVES.

I will show up as their coach, teacher, sister, and help them to see, hear their own true voice. Turn the silence into potent words that spark real change.

And I will teach them how to feel safe doing this.

I want every woman who’s here to lead change, to have the support she needs to become UNIGNORABLE to herself. And to her world. So she can do her world-changing work, by being her true self first.

The first step? Own your changemaker identity. And then, do the work you need to become unignorable to the people whose life you’re meant to change.

xo Anne-Sophie


Business Heroine Magazine


We’d love to hear from YOU…

Does your business reflect the real you? What’s one place in your business where you could let go of the blueprints and be YOU? Leave your answer in the comments below!




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