Three Lessons to be Learned from Greedy, Rich People
{, Models Tristan Prettyman and Erika Valentina Doria}
Some people tell me that they get really triggered by depictions of rich greedy people.
It could be someone that you already know in your life or it could be someone that you see in the news like a greedy banker who has just ripped off a whole bunch of people. Or it could be from movies like Wolf of Wall Street, and obviously there can sometimes be a lot of yucky things about greedy rich people.
But, honestly, we can actually learn some really positive things from them.
You can choose to be whatever kind of rich person you want.
You can be rich and nice, you can be rich and ethical, you can be rich and socially aware, you can be rich and environmentally aware – all of those things.
Here are three things I want you to remember…
Sense of Destiny
The reason why some of those greedy people make a lot of money is because they have this real sense of destiny that they are meant to be rich person. This is something that we can learn from them, because I hear a lot of women who say that they feel the same thing – that they have always known at some level that they’re meant to be wealthy.
But you have to take it one step further. You have to act like that as well. You have to go into your daily business and your daily life with that real sense of, this is my birthright to be wealthy; this is my birthright to be rich because trust me, we want people like you and me to have a lot of money, not greedy ruthless unethical people.
Act like you are already rich; this is really, really important.
Single-mindedness in Building Wealth
The second thing greedy, rich people have is a single-mindedness in building wealth, and this is sometimes missing in people who, you know, are a little bit more ethical in life.
Sometimes that comes in as a detriment, but we can start building that wealth by putting as many things into our life as possible that remind us about living abundantly. I call that infusing your life with positivity - it’s like at every point in your day you’re being reminded of your goals, you’re being reminded that you are already wealthy and that you’re working everyday towards building more wealth.
A couple of examples could be dream boards on your walls, listening to subliminal affirmations about money, reading a money book or talking to your mentor and entrepreneurial friends about money.
That is one way that you can be really single-minded on money and being reminded all the time about money but not being obsessed about it to the point where you neglecting the other things that are really just as important, if not more important, in your life than building your own financial wealth.
Clear Money Blocks
This is really, really important and is the reason a lot of people wonder why some people are rich while they’re not.
The simple answer is that you probably have some money blocks and they don’t.
Rich people 100% believe they deserve it, and we know from teaching about law of attraction that you have to have that single minded focus. You can’t have the feeling of “I deserve it” and “Oh, I’m not sure I deserve it.”
And, to be honest, girlfriend – we don’t want greedy people to be the only ones who have money. We want gorgeous, ethical, lovely people who want to save the planet to have money, because we spend our money in beautiful ways.
I bet that when you have a really great month, you spend money on:
• Services by other entrepreneurs
• Products from other entrepreneurs
• Building wealth in your community
• Hiring a cleaning-lady that’s going to help somebody
• You impact your clients
• You impact your friends
• You impact your family
• You impact your children
• You impact your community
• You impact your online communities
Really by you having more money and learning some of the good things from these greedy people, you will have a positive impact on the planet. We need more people like you and me to be wealthy, so we can crowd out some of the yucky people.
The last thing I’m going to tell you is when you see things like that, things that trigger you, I really want you to shield yourself from it.
Remember greedy people out there – now we claim abundance for ourselves, as well!
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