Too Busy?


When I tell people that I help busy professionals avoid burn out and create strategies to make sure they never have to worry about it again, the usual reaction is: “Of course, people do to much, life is really crazy, etc.”

And for a long time I thought the same thing, and maybe you believe that too.

After all, you do work a lot, and life is super busy… That could explain why you can’t focus, why it now takes you 3 hours to finish that report when it use to take you only 30 minutes, why the idea of packing for yet another business trip brings tears to your eyes…

But the truth is that you are feeling like this not because your are doing too much but because you are not doing enough of the most important thing: taking care of yourself.

Think about it. When was the last time you did something that was just for you? Not something you had to do, was expected to do, but something that brought no benefit or impact to anyone else but you?

I am a working mom of 3, I’ve worked in headquarters for big companies in finance, marketing and supply chain so I can tell you that I understand busy…

There was a time when I got so “busy” I forgot about myself. My list of self-care was down to taking a daily shower, full stop. I didn’t do my hair, I did’t rest – ever!, I didn’t read for entertainment anymore, I didn’t see my friends, I didn’t have alone time, I didn’t dance anymore, I didn’t try funky styles anymore.

The result was that I didn’t enjoy life anymore. Not music, not presents, not promotions, not motherhood, not nature, not traveling, not learning, not people, not my relationship. Nothing…

Until I started taking care of myself by changing my diet. Not because I had a weight issue, but because I felt so exhausted. I stopped eating overt sugars and magic happened. At first it clearly was because of the freedom and energy my body got by not having to deal with this very draining food. My brain fog dissipated and I had more energy than I could spend.

But eventually magic kept on happening because each and every day, 5 times a day, I asked myself – what is best for ME. It wasn’t about my kids or family, my job, my friends but only about ME. My body started to really speak to me and tell me what she needed, my mind started to settle after years of constant and loud chatter. All I did was ask myself what food would help me the most and serve me the best now. Just me.

I was just as busy, but asking the question takes only 5 seconds. Making a better choice for yourself only takes a couple of minutes at most. Even if you do it 5 time in a day – that takes you a whole of 10 minutes and 20 seconds. But those 10 minutes can create powerful personal transformation.

And this works like a charm with pretty much anything. Taking the stairs or the elevator – what is best for me? – going to the store 3 blocks away: taking the car or walking – what is best for me?, sending one more email or taking a break and grabbing a glass of water – what is best for me?, going to my sister’s party after a long business trip or getting a good night’s sleep – what is best for me?…

And the beauty is that it really starts adding up and within a few weeks you are making more conscious self-care decisions than ever before. And as I believe in baby-steps, choose only one area to focus on at first. Do it daily, as many time as possible before you take on another areas – set yourself up for success.

So, what are you going to choose today that is best for you?





One Response to “Too Busy?”

  1. Anne Perry
    July 18, 2013 at 6:52 am #

    Brilliant, Marcia!

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