Trusting Adventure and the Wild Divine


Back in November when I booked my trip to Maui, the intention was to be a vacation. A week off. Some much needed space from my partner (we OD’ed on a each other bit when we moved in, couldn’t have known that was possible til it happened!).

In the spirit of trusting the Divine and adventure, I didn’t ask any questions of my sweet friend Noa who I would be staying with. I didn’t know until the day before that I’d be in the jungle. And I didn’t know until I arrived what staying in a jungle for a week would be like.

I learned a lot about myself that week. The kind of stuff that only comes up by throwing yourself into a completely foreign environment without expectations.

I loved making this list after getting some space from an experience and seeing the ways in which I invited it all in, where the places are that I’m being called to address my own stuff, and how I can always be more loving or open in the future.

Here are my lessons.

  1. A little preparation never hurts. While it does feel fun, wild and adventurous to be impulsive sometimes and not ask questions, that’s not the best idea when the environment is completely new. A little prep would have gone a long way for me.

I certainly can’t control everything, nor I do have a need or desire to, but I can ask more questions so I know what I’m walking into and prepare a bit so if it is a new or drastically different environment, it’s not such a culture shock. There’s nothing wrong with setting yourself up to adjust easily. Things like bug spray and a flashlight for example, or an extra towel. 

  1. Know thyself. I’m still a Virgo and an ENFJ. As open and flexible as I’ll ever be, I do enjoy some level of planning, even if it’s just a few “for sure” things over the course of a week, AND while I’ve come a long way in the control and patience departments, I am never going to enjoy waiting around for people. Having access to reliable transportation be that public or my own car is my new policy moving forward for sure. I am rich. I can afford it. Amen.
  2. Radical self-responsibility. There were a few people also staying on property who constantly asked others to change or modify their behavior or activity to accommodate their personal sensitivities. As a person who practices radical self responsibility, this really tested my capacity to be compassionate. Of course there are extenuating circumstances, but after a while enough is enough. Make your point, make your sensitivities known, then drop it and do your best to take care of yourself without constantly badgering other people to make adjustments for your benefit.

I will be very conscious moving forward of anytime I want to inconvenience someone for my benefit, AKA putting my own needs before anyone else’s.

  1. Certainty/Uncertainty. I have high tolerance for uncertainty in specific context. I don’t mind not knowing where my next paycheck is coming from or how much it’s going to be. I love the ever-changing and evolving creative process and all the variables of running a business. Danielle LaPorte calls this “risk erotic” which I love.

When it comes to uncertainty around things I prefer to be certain – electricity, internet access, hot water, shelter (this involves noise, bugs and creatures running through my walls in the middle of the night), I have a lower tolerance for this and will be mindful of that in the future. Unless I’m specifically planning to unplug and go off the grid, this can cause unnecessary frustration, worry and distraction. 

(The upside is coming home and seeing what I used to take for granted as the luxurious privileges they truly are.)

  1. The elements are powerful healers and teachers. While on Maui I finished a few books I’d been reading one of which, Natural Elements by Lisa Michaels was perfect for the week. Connecting and opening to the different expressions of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air around me was WILD. I’m still feeling the surges of new energy and pathways in my body I had never recognized before.


Here’s a list I brainstormed after the trip to run through for anyone to use before taking an adventure or plunging into a new situation or environment:

– What levels (scale of 1-10 is fine for estimating) of certainty/uncertainty am I comfortable with and in what context?

– Make no assumptions and have no expectations but ask questions!

– How do you feel about relying on others to make plans or be on time? If that’s not your thing make sure you’re set up to have freedom, flexibility and autonomy.

– Do you have sensitivities of any kind? food? EMF? dust? noise or etc? Proper communication of these things and polite requests can go a really long way, but remember, they’re YOUR sensitivities which means as lovely and accommodating as your fellow humans might be, it’s not their responsibility to cater to you. Be prepared to compromise and relax a little.




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