Sacred Sassy Heroine: Wanna Play Truth or Dare?



Sacred Sassy Heroine: This is the every day goddess within each woman. It is she who harnesses the unfeigned feminine energy that makes you divine. She embraces all-she-is and struts it like she means it. Tonight is the full moon. This cosmic event serves as a reminder to crack out of your proper exoskeleton and reconnect with the howling sister within. She is sacred. She is sassy. She is YOU. And she is a Heroine.

Are you the kind of sucker who falls head over heels each time the latest hot new venture struts itself down your runway? Suddenly shelving what you’ve been working on, you know that thing that was so hot and enticing just a few weeks ago? Be honest. How many of these projects do you have littering your life?

I know. As I write this I’m squirming guiltily looking at the files of unfinished courses, my book, ideas for unborn F**k Perfect videos, my TedTalk, etc.  As usual my own areas of neglect are my inspiration for writing to you.

Really it’s a plea, I don’t want to do this alone. I’m rallying you to jump on my band wagon, let’s rock this together!

“Why?” you ask coyly, from behind your half-assed project mountain?

Here is my list of reasons:

1.) Each one of these ignored babies leaves you feeling like crap! You need evidence of your own success. Every completed project is a success to some degree.

2.) No wonder you feel exhausted and flaccid in your business! These incomplete undertakings are draining your power. Think of your power like a river. Each one of these postponed ventures is a stream of water diverting from your main river. What if you gathered all those streams back into the main flow? How much more potent and powerful would you be?

3.) Clear your head already! Whether it’s at the forefront of your mind or lingering in the sooty corners, it’s whispering, taunting, snickering – murmurs are echoing in your headspace. Your clarity, coherence, and creativity are being thwarted.

4.) Ahem…you’re being a hoarder. Hoarding is not sexy!

Yeah that’s right, I called you out. The world is waiting for you to share those once inspired schemes with us. Get on with it already!

Here’s what you need to know to get a move on:

1.) It doesn’t have to be perfect! F**k Perfect! Perfectionism will only paralyze your follow-through.

2.) Some of the projects you began really do just suck. Here’s a permission slip to throw those out.

3.) New ideas will tempt you all the time. It’s true. They are such seductive lil muses, slinking through your bored afternoon in lace and leather. Don’t do it! You don’t have to let them float into the arms of another either. If you’re greedy like me you can let them rest in your “Idea file.”  Jot it down and get back to what you’re working on. If it’s worthy, and when you get the rest of your projects complete, it’ll be there ready and waiting.

There’s the Truth.

And here’s the Dare…

I dare you, double dog dare you to not take on even one new project or idea until you’ve cleaned out and or finished what your started.

Who’s in?



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