“It’s time to rebrand your company,” she hears, and her body contracts in resistance.
“You need a website, a logo, headshots and a catchy company name, “ they say, and her Soul shrinks and ducks its head under the covers.
“You should work through that resistance and do what you are supposed to be doing to get your full purpose and service out into the world,” she tells herself, and her heart becomes heavy as a door slams shut in retreat.
“What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I do this? Why haven’t I already done this? Why do I have to be so obstinate?” she whispers shamefully to herself for about the millionth time.
She obediently puts herself in motion. She shows up for the Branding conferences. She makes decisions about what colors are most likely to cause someone to buy her wares. She checks out her “competition” to decide how to place herself in order to “win” clients.
She despairs at the disconnect.
As she and her Soul commiserate about the “problem with the process.” They call a tribunal of reclaiming their path. They dive in to deeply discern where alignment can be found. Just what is off and how can we turn it back ON?
Kernels of wisdom begin to open and pop with the warmth of her attention.
“This process is fundamentally flawed!” she discovers.
“Branding is such a masculine term. It is a marking, an impressing upon. It comes from the outside and places a limitation on who and what you are. When Branded, You belong to something other than yourself. Slaves and animals are branded. How can a Soul be claimed or defined by something it DOES rather than what IT IS?
We need a new language – a new energetic that more accurately represents what is being called forward from this Soul. A reflection of the femininity of this birthing that allows for the continued opening of our ever-evolving creation.
These outer representations of this flow are simply adornments of who I am on the inside at this moment – like window dressing on the threshold where my outer world meets my inner world.
It is all an expression of the natural extension of Who I Am.
The flow is solidly rooted from the Inside Out. It is the Essence of my Soul that informs and inspires the nature of my outer expression at any moment. Rather than trying on different “outfits” that I hope will attract you to want to play with me, I commit to intimate partnership with my own truth, and trust that others who resonate with my truth will naturally make their way to join me on my path.
I am inwardly satisfied and content. My heart is open and in alignment – WITH MYSELF.
When my (masculine) book coach reflected to me the other day that “Wild Soul Medicine” is a problematic title for my chapter since some people might misperceive or not “get” what it is really about and that I should really consider another term that caters to a wider audience… I felt the familiar contraction in my system.
But, I wasn’t confused. I am radically confident in my Soul’s message and purpose. I will always say it in my way, in my voice, even (and especially) in the most UN-tamed way possible. (Most likely I won’t be saying it to that same book coach for much longer.)
I honor my Inner Rebel and bow in gratitude to her obstinance. I am relieved that she isn’t willing to go along to get along – that she is no longer capable of trying to be something she is not.
And so, I invite you to enjoy this co-creation between my Soul and me. I hope you’ll look around, drink it in, and try it on in your heart to see if there is resonance between you and us.
If there isn’t, we humbly honor and respect our parting for now. And, if you do find something here that calls to your soul, we welcome you to journey with us for as long as it suits you.
We welcome your wisdom on this path of recreating the feminine, of UN-doing the ways that have defined us as business owners, as healers, and as women.
We’ll continue to delight and surprise ourselves with the things that evolve and flow from our innermost reaches and we’ll encourage you to do the same.
Here’s to our UN-branding of ourselves. Our UN-furling of our Essence. Our UN-shackling of our Souls, and our UN-apologetic Beingness of the full expression of ourselves.
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