Unleash Your SuperHeroine and Make Your Life Count

Life is meant to be full of adventure and joy, in which we are all superheroes, delighting in the glory that comes with making a unique contribution to the world. Here are some lessons we can learn from famous superheroes…

Iron Man Teaches: Embrace what you Love.

Iron Man, an inventive businessman with an aptitude for mechanics and engineering, geeks out by creating a powered suit of armor that saves the world. We tend to be good at what we love and, when we do what we’re good at, we are positioned to make the greatest impact. Whether you enjoy organizing parties, writing stories, playing baseball, painting, inventing contraptions, or studying the mating rituals of exotic beetles, your interests are not just guilty pleasures for your spare time, nor are they coincidence. They are clues to your highest livelihood.

Wonder Woman Teaches: Determine your Superpower.

Wonder Woman has a unique set of superpowers. In addition to her super-speed, strength, and stamina, she has an ability to communicate with the animal kingdom, which comes naturally to her. Sometimes you’re such a natural at something that you take it for granted. The truth is it’s your unique genius. A simple way to discover your superpower is to imagine you are dropped on the planet today and are asked, “How can you help?” You may hear yourself answer, “I can educate people about healthy eating,” or “I can uplift people who have been abused,” or “I can make people laugh.” Pay attention to your answer, because it contains insights into your special purpose.

The X-men Teach: Honor your “Weaknesses.”

Ostracized from society for their genetic abnormalities, the X-men and women proved that mutants can be heroes. Strengths and weaknesses are often two sides of the same coin, and sometimes your strengths are hidden in what you think is a handicap. Someone labeled as autistic is a brilliant engineer. The kid who can’t help but goof off has what it takes to be a successful standup comedian. The attention to detail that comes with being obsessive-compulsive makes for a world-class interior designer. Your weaknesses are brilliance in disguise.

Batman Teaches: Transform your Struggles into Purpose.

As a child, Batman witnessed the murder of his own parents. Whereas the villains in the story take their tragedies out on the world, Batman channels his experience to become a crusader against crime. Often there are clues to your ultimate message in your struggles. Many self-made millionaires were once bankrupt. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, only to become one of the best ball players in the world. Recovering alcoholics, Bob Smith and Bill Wilson, co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous. Consider your struggles special gifts that have the power to change the world.

You are who you are for a reason. Your desires, talents, quirks, and even struggles are important. To make your life count, honor your uniqueness. You are the superhero the world needs.


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