Wait! Stop! Read This Before Starting a Business.
We often jump into running a business without giving much thought to the qualities, characteristics and traits that make someone successful. We formulate an idea, we throw up a site, we create a prototype, we hire help, we throw money around and yet we don’t take a moment to step back and assess just what it takes – and more importantly whether we have what it takes – to start and grow a successful venture.
We hope for the best, cobble together the qualities we think might help us and decide to figure things out when they come up. And, trust me, something always comes up.
What if you could start with a strong foundation so that everything you learn from this point forward – the technical and tactical – could be more solidly built?
I’ve been watching the construction of a massive new hospital in my Bay Area neighborhood. From the moment they broke ground it has been years before any of us nosey neighbors have seen any progress. It was just a huge hole in the ground and lots of workmen behind tattered fences. We saw the tops of excavators and looming cranes, however the building itself was no where to be seen. The years passed by. Then the other day, almost as if overnight, the hospital was built (at least the exterior). What I hadn’t realized is that the foundational work takes the majority of a construction job. In order to build a structure that will withstand the test of time, persistent use and in my area, earthquakes, it needs to be strong, resilient and solidly constructed.
When building a business we often just begin to slap up walls, windows and decor without laying a solid foundation. Our structures end up pretty flimsy and the likelihood of it (and us) crumbling is much more likely. If we spent more time on the front end, laying a solid foundation we would have a greater chance of success – a greater chance at building the business we love and the life of our dreams.
What does this foundation look like?
The foundation is the stuff behind the fancy business cards, the well-appointed product or the savvy service you provide. The foundation doesn’t involve numbers, money or education. It’s not whether you have “all your ducks in a row”. The foundation is a lot closer to you than you think.
In fact, it’s all about you… the foundation is you.
What you bring to the business will make all the difference in whether you succeed or not.
So take a close look and ask yourself the following questions:
1. What areas of my personal life do I need to work on?
2. What are my deepest fears and doubts and do I have an outlet to work through the mental chatter?
3. How have I self-sabotaged my plans and dreams in the past?
4. Where are my potential blind spots? Is there someone I trust who could identify them for me?
5. Why am I really starting a business?
Once you have a solid personal foundation, you’re ready to build a business and life you never thought imaginable.
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