What is Your Truth?

Something happened recently when I declared my truth around my purpose.

People  took notice.  A lot of people.  I had comments on my blog postings, facebook comments, private email messages, girlfriends reached out by the phone to say “Thank you.”

It was a prime example that people are inspired by you standing in the light of your truth.  It gives them permission to feel empowered, to trust your honesty, as well as become free themselves.

It was one of those days where I held my breath as I hit the “return key” and entered a mark in my own history.  In fact, right after I wrote that blog post, I almost didn’t hit send.  A lot of fears came up. What will people think? How could I hit pause on all the work I just accumulated this past year? Or worse, what if no one even cares?

But I dug deep into my gut, and I knew that none of the fears mattered except to show me how strongly I felt about needing to shift my attention in order to stay true to my heart, in the flow, and give space for innovation to be birthed, and other women’s voices to be heard.

Watching the emails come back, made me smile beyond belief.  The confirmation was beautiful, and I know, what is more important is that I remained in integrity with my truth and what was asking to be spoken.

And so I want to ask you, what may be on your mind and heart ready to be spoken out loud?  What is asking you to shift your attention?  To bring more self expression to the table? Or to ask for something to be changed whether by you or someone else?

In your heart of hearts, is everything as you wish it to be?

A few years ago I bought a URL, “good in the grey.”  (I tend to buy url’s like people get tattoos or write journal entries…each one a benchmark for my development or recent inspiration in life.)  What I meant by this, is that I noticed that I did not always feel comfortable in the grey zone, where things weren’t black or white, or when there was conflict. Transition for me always meant a pack of swedish fish or chocolate.  I stayed silent, often until I was at a rock bottom, fired from jobs, in bad relationships, until I was willing to listen to my own heart and move accordingly.

That url was a reminder of my faith. You can notice in my declaration even, that I couldn’t silently go underground and explore what shifts needed to be made in collaboration and community building, I needed to declare a complete separation in order to come back to it from a place of wholeness.  My wise friend and colleague Laura Reid who speaks truth for the Indigenous Tribes every day, gave me the practice right now in how to hold things in a loose fist.

What I believe is important, however, is not so much HOW I decided to voice my intentions, but that I felt them and knew they were important.  Yes, there are times when splits need to occur, space given to breathe. And yes, there will be times when a more silent shift of focus or eloquent voice will be taken. Fine tuning will always available.  However, innovation, new policies, peace treatise, are not made unless someone takes notice, empowers themselves, and speaks up against what’s not working in order to claim something that is.  It can be a scary place to enter the unknown, to not know the solution even, but to be willing to say I want more.  Especially when “not working” is still relatively ok.

It is also terrifying to say, I am an expert in this.  Again, truth can have a funny way of wrapping black, white, and grey all around it to turn my face blue at times.

Trying a new way of relating to diet and exercise, asking for a new love language in a relationship, exploring the potential of working Friday’s from home at your 9-5, coming up with a new collaboration agreement, or feeling your need to delegate something for the first time in your business can feel risky. In fact, it’s supposed to.  A need for familiarity and comfort keeps us small and from expanding into the next level of creating and achieving more for ourselves and loved ones, in order to keep us safe.  Unfortunately, we can’t have we truly desire, nor can our business partners know how to help us (or feel comfortable doing so) unless we are willing to speak and act on change, aligning our beliefs and our behaviours on the results we wish to have.

I was talking with a girlfriend the other day, and she said she recently heard a new understanding of “Turn the Other Cheek.”  It’s not to forget the past, but to point your attention to what you desire more of.

Whether it is in your daily routine, your home-life or community,  your work, I invite you to turn your other cheek and to speak up.
What is the message on your heart that wants to come through? Are you willing to speak your truth, ask for a raise, correct the gentleman who pronounces your last name wrong, or build a business around your purpose and your genius zone, even when the fears or the uncertainty are present?

If I have learned anything on my path, is that the truth will always emerge.  You decide whether it’s in EMERGEncy as Reverand Michael Beckwith of Agape Church says, or when your divine intuition speaks.

It’s true, the world needs your gifts, your talents, your insights and courage; your voice. We seek out inspiration and truth.

But most of all, you need you.  It’s your life and you are 100% responsible.  What is the mark you are ready to leave?  Are you ready to give rise to your voice within?

What are you wanting to say? What are you longing for? Even if you don’t have all the right words or the answers yet.
Leave your comments below and we’ll celebrate and figure it out together.
I’d love to support your purpose, dreams, and intentions!

You Are Worth it!!


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