What Do You Stand For? How to Freak Your Truth & Activate Your Brand


Dear truth-freaker,

Today we start with a basic question, that (depending on where you’re at with it) can turn you on and make you jump for joy, make you wanna run with fear and duck for cover, or turn you into a rambling mess of a messenger.

I’ve felt all three of these emotions when exploring the question…

What do you stand for?

Taking a stand is about: Voicing your Truth–not just internally believing in it.

Taking a stand is about: Embodying your truth–It is about honoring your stand so fully that you embody what it is you are standing for. In other words, you live it.

Taking a stand is about: Letting go of what people think. Taking a stand is about willing to accept that some might not agree with you.

When I finally claimed what I stood for, it felt simple yet potent. Surprisingly uncomplicated. It felt like… me. And it came down to three words (well one word and one hyphenated word if we’re to be technical).

Fierce self-expression.

I stand for fierce self-expression.

That’s it. So simple. And yet these simple words allowed me to own my truth on a whole other level. It allowed me to confidently claim my stand both verbally and in my body.

Because taking a stand does wonders for your message (and your art, your body, your life), I’ve dedicated today’s blog to a fun Artist Activation to help you get clear on what you stand for.


*A note: taking a stand doesn’t have to be all deep and heavy. It’s not about taking a stand for outer recognition or to make a splash. It’s about your personal Truth


Stand up and Speak your Truth

Badass way of Being…If you gave yourself permission to play full out, what would you bemore of? For example: badass, bold, sexual, raw, blatantly honest.



Write down the words below that most resonate with you.

Honest      Raw        Sexy      Unapologetic         Feisty                Vulnerable        Exposed   Naked     Raunchy   Loving   Truthful    Open   Sassy   Juicy   Badass    Sensual     Powerful      Feminine   Grounded    Colorful     Punk     Emotional   Bold   Silly    Goofy   Sad    Ecstatic    Joyful    Calm     Creative    Quirky   Playful   Alluring   Fierce

Add your own: __________________________________________

Now pick 1-3 words from the words that you circled that you most want to embody in your own life. Jot them down…





Tap into your Wise Woman Badass and answer the questions below. Feel free to write down the first one or two words that come to mind!

When I was a child I believed in:


If I could be an example of one thing for others, I would be an example of:


I admire people that stand for:


I believe in the magic of:


I am willing to be a voice for:


I am willing to embody:


I am willing to take a stand for:


Alright beautiful; you are done.

Allow this artist activation to settle in your bones and open up your heart. See which answers feel the most magical and resonant with you.

Go ahead and share what you stand for in the comments section below!




One Response to “What Do You Stand For? How to Freak Your Truth & Activate Your Brand”

  1. Bethany Hope Mullins
    May 5, 2014 at 12:38 pm #

    I believe in the magic of self love.
    I am willing to be the voice for emotional eaters and seasoned dieters.
    I am willing to embody creative expression.
    I am willing to take a stand for loving our self.

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