What Do You Stand For?


In your life, in your business, in your family there are likely things you stand for.  Perhaps you stand for freedom, or love, or independence, or desires fulfilled.

When you are meeting with a potential client in the sales conversation you need to stand for something too.

What do you stand for in your sales conversation? 

There comes a point in some sales conversations where your potential client has expressed how important creating a new experience is for them, they share how it will impact them and why that is so important at this time, and then the fear steps in.

This is the moment.  This is the place where you decide if you are willing to take a stand.

To be clear, you are not taking a stand for you to get a new client.  This is not about you, this is about your potential client. Are you committed to supporting them to get what they want? Or are you going to get stuck in what’s going on for you?

Often this is the moment where the self-talk kicks in. 

You may think to yourself, “what if they think I’m being pushy?,” “what if they think I’m trying to ‘sell’ them?,” “what if they won’t like me anymore?”

If you step back and connect with your highest service, you can make a decision in this moment. You can choose to take a stand for your potential client to get what they want. You can be committed to that AND not attached to them working with you.

In this commitment, it is your responsibility to hold a strong space for them to step into the next greatest version of themselves. And in order to do that, you get to help them through the fear, and back to their knowing, so they can make a decision from their truth – instead of from their fear.

This is your moment to support them through the story they may not even be seeing. The story that is keeping them from getting what they want.   

This story has nothing to do with you, it has everything to do with them. 

Oftentimes the story starts with money, or time, or checking with their partner. But past that, there is a deeper story that they are protecting, a story that has served them in some way in their past and is likely still serving them to this moment.

Is the possibility of them getting what they want even scarier than continuing to not get it? 

They know how to NOT get it.  They have done that. They have been successful at not getting what they want, and they have survived that experience.

If they are to actually get what they really want now, something bad might happen.  Or not.  But they don’t know, because they have never experienced this before.

So here they sit.  Thinking about the money, or the time, or the partner.  And in this moment is a significant opportunity for transformation.  Supporting your potential client to a decision is so much more supportive than leaving them sitting in the indecision.

They likely stop with the money, the time, or the partner.  Leaving them feeling disempowered and possibly with less hope.

Are you willing to take a stand for this person? 

Are you willing to show up fully for them in this moment? Are you willing to support them while they make a decision?  It is up to you, be the coach/consultant/leader they need – and that you are.

Of course sometimes it really is about the money, the time, or the partner, but don’t leave them sitting in indecision.  Support them through the process so they can feel confident in their decision – whatever that decision may be.



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