What If I’m Surrounded by Bad Money Mindsets?

Business Heroine Magazine


Okay, what if you’ve been working on your own money mindset and you’re really, really getting there but you constantly feel derailed by other people in your life?

It could be your partner, it could be your parents, it could be your best friend, your siblings, your business partner – it could be even just random people in your life popping up to kind of derail your money mindset.

It sucks, but I’ve got some really great tips for you on how to overcome that and how to shield yourself from the negative energy around money.

Take responsibility for your own money mindset.

Okay, number one is, you have to take responsibility for your own money mindset. So, don’t let somebody else’s money crap become your crap. Don’t let somebody else’s beliefs around money affect how you feel about money. It’s no coincidence that these people are coming up in your life right now.

As I always say, when you work on your money stuff, it’s like starting a new skincare regime. Suddenly all that crap rises to the surface and temporarily things can sometimes look worse than they we’re before.

So that first tip is to really know that only you can be responsible for your own money mindset, and you can’t blame it on other people.

Tell them how you feel.

If it’s really bad, I would tell them how you feel about it. Some people would be open to that and some people won’t.

I personally have had conversations with my husband at times when our money mindset wasn’t quite the same. And I just said to him, “Hey dude, when you talk about money like that it brings up my stuff. You know, I feel crap about money, it makes me feel scared.”

So have that conversation.

Upgrade the people around you.

Upgrade the people around you. This doesn’t mean kicking your husband out, it doesn’t mean not spending time with the people that you love. It just means you have to be also surrounded by people who have the money mindset that you aspire to have.

That could mean crowding out some of that negativity, but it also means you’ll have enough positive around you to kind of shield yourself from the occasional negative person. So this could look like joining a mastermind.

Or it could be just finding people who are, you know, richer than you, people who have a great money mindset already, people who love talking about money.

Don’t get your business and money validation from the wrong sources.

This is a harsh one – don’t get your business and money validation from the wrong sources. I’ve talked about this a lot before and I really, really, mean it. If you’re telling your husband or your mom stuff about your business because you want a business validation from them – you might not always get the reaction that you’re looking for because they don’t know your business.

Maybe they don’t know marketing, maybe they’re just not in the same conversations as you are.

I know that sounds harsh, but don’t try and get your business validation from your husband – it doesn’t always work, he’s not your mastermind buddy, he’s your husband.

I would love to hear from you. Do you have some tips? Did you change your partner’s mindset around money?




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