What’s in a number?


Numbers in an address are very powerful. According to Feng Shui, your address should be displayed outside your home or office and clearly read. If a client can’t locate your address, the universe can’t find you either. This results in missed opportunities and loss of prosperity. The Grove Shopping Center in Los Angeles was given an auspicious address (189) for success by their Feng Shui expert. And to this day they are still one of the most prosperous shopping malls in the country!

What does your address mean in Feng Shui? Add up the address and reduce the numbers into a single digit. For example: 12310 = 7 or 1741 = 13 = 4.

1. One is about new beginnings. This is a great address to start a new business or new venture. Be aware that everyone in this office will be looking out for themselves.
2. The best number for relationships and in business is two. This is a great number for partnerships. It holds the dance of duality, but make sure as a duo you are getting out and about and not just staying in the office focused on each other.
3. Three is full of creativity. This is the energy that supports and encourages the artist in all of us. A great address for a creative business or design studio.
4. Four creates a stable grounding space. In Chinese culture four means death. In the west, it grounds a famous person or someone who is at the height of their career.
5. Places of business that are about entertaining and adventure are the number five. Like the fingers on your hand, this office can be a handful of energy so make sure you are getting the work done.
6. Six is about being of service to others. A perfect place for careers that support and nurture. Think health and healing centers, beauty businesses, legal offices and agencies.
7. Seven is associated with spirituality and things that money can’t buy. These businesses should have a meditative or spiritual space that honors a connection to the blessings in life that are priceless.
8. Eight is the number of prosperity and wealth. It is easier to attain financial abundance and draw money in with this address.
9. The ultimate number is nine because when you add up all the other numbers and reduce them to a single digit you get nine. It holds all the energy to allow you to get things done.



One Response to “What’s in a number?”

  1. Simply Barbara
    April 8, 2013 at 12:10 pm #

    Great article. I’m going to share it with my friends & clients at Simply-Numbers.com. They need to know that numbers can be used for more than counting money.

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