Whisper – Get Your Business Out of Start Stop Mode

Your Heroine Quote:

“Without daily action
your business is only
a wish, a dream, a fantasy.”

- Jenn Aubert

There’s this thing that happens to entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs in particular…

Remember when you learned how to drive a clutch, and the car sort of lurched and jerked awkwardly, and it took about an hour to get around your neighborhood block?

It’s kinda like that.

I call it the ol’ Start Stop Mode.

One day you are flooded with genius ideas and a few days later you wonder what happened to your clarity. And the actions you need to take to get this thing off the ground are just… sort of… well? Not happening.

Start. Stop. Lurch. Stall. Start. Lurch. Stall. Gah!

Click the audio file above (or right here) to hear the three step process for breaking out of start stop mode so you can move your business dreams forward naturally, with grace.

Anne Perry, Founder

P.S. I’m recording these “Whispers for a Heroine” every week now for you… so please let me know your comments, questions, insights, musings. I’d love to conversate ;)

Anne Perry Business Heroine Mentoring Coaching

Pssst! A Sneak Peak Behind the Curtain…

One of my favorite things (which I’ve been doing quietly behind the curtain) is working privately with amazing entrepreneurs and emerging leaders, like you, who are ready to build their dream businesses.

If the gentle whisper in your heart has started to speak louder, beckoning you:

“It’s time… time to do what you love
time to contribute your unique gifts to the world…
it’s your turn to have the kick-ass business of your dreams…”

Well then, I’d love to support you in making it happen. (It is SO your turn).

Inquire about working with me here.


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