Work Life Balance: Who Else is Lazy in Disguise?
Sometimes people tell me that I’m ambitious, or driven. If that’s true, it’s only because I value work life balance and I’m on a mission to be as lazy as possible. In his New York Times best selling book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker says, “If you are only willing to do what’s easy, life will be hard. If you are willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.” I agree with this, and I’m working hard so I can be lazy.
It’s why I love business…
Building a business is like launching a rocket. All the exertion happens at the beginning, yet once the rocket is in space, you could move it around with a gentle push of your finger.
It’s why I’m super organized…
I once saw a t-shirt that said, “Organized people are just too lazy to look for things.” Think about how many 15-minute increments of people’s lives are spent digging through piles on a desk or scanning through a cluttered email inbox to find one phone number. I’m super organized because I’d much prefer to spend those 15 minutes doing something productive, such as writing for my blog or outlining a new workshop. Or better yet, doing something fulfilling, like dancing around the house to cheesy 80′s music with my husband. My hyper-organization is all about having work life balance. In fact, it’s probably also a cover up for ADD, but we’ll save that musing for another time.
It’s why I systemize everything…
I don’t like to reinvent wheels that have already been invented. If I’ve ever done something once, I want the second time to be significantly quicker. And I want the third time to be automatic. The fourth time? I’d rather have someone else do it so I can do something else. I take the time out to document a procedure now so it’ll be way easier next time. If you ever find yourself wondering what happened to your work life balance, look for where you can replace your efforts with a trusted system. I first learned this from The Emyth Revisited by Michael Gerber, and now showing other entrepreneurs how to systemize effectively is one of my favorite topics to teach.
It’s why I advocate focusing on strengths & following one’s bliss…
Life is too short to do things that suck. The things I hate to do are someone else’s idea of an ice cream sundae, and the things I love to do don’t feel like work at all. Focusing on strengths is the opportunity to be excellent at something and have fun at the same time. Laziness at it’s finest!
It’s why I’m passionate about passive income & financial freedom…
By freeing ourselves from the stress of financial survival, we can be liberated to be as lazy as we want. The irony is – as Timothy Ferriss points out in The Four Hour Work Week – that once we are free, this liberation feeds aliveness. And aliveness makes us want to do more and give more, not less.
Okay, okay, so I don’t really want to be “laaaazy.” It’s not a very positive word, I know. You get the point though, yes? This post is a shout out to all my fellow entrepreneurs who value a healthy work life balance and are willing to do what most people won’t and therefore will be able to do what most people can’t. Looking forward to discussing all our hard work of the past over a pina colada on a beach somewhere tropical.
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