Your Expression, Your Lifeblood

{Christina Dunbar} Business Heroine Magazine


At the end of it all, I want to say that I lived in the moment, that each moment I was in the now.

I soaked it all in. The magenta colors. The sour tastes. I rolled with the ecstasy and the grief that life flowered me with. But I never let the pain shut down my Artist.

Yes, She contracted in the grieving process.
Yes, She bled beautiful red as salty tears accompanied Her cries.

Yes, She backed away… from love, from life.
 But I wooed Her. With song. And dance. Passion. And rage. 
I think rage is a woman’s passion unleashed.

I want to be all used up when I die.

I want to say that my voice was loud. Even if it sometimes felt shaky. Too high-pitched. Too sweet. Damn the small vocal range I was born with! But my voice took a stand. My voice painted poems and sang songs and rang out in rebellion. My voice told my story. Even the ugly parts.

Especially the ugly parts.

And with that came light. And the healing began. 
I want to say that my voice spoke for those that couldn’t speak. I took a stand for the weirdos and freaks. Those insanely, beautiful spirits of the world that are made up of me and you and “them” and all of us.

It’s just that the brave ones don’t get seen.

My dear love, my dear badass sister, my dear artistpreneur; today I ask you to look at your expression.

The way you express daily.

I believe this expression is the lifeblood of things like your business, your brand, your message.

Where are you shutting down your voice? Where are you numbing yourself with work? Sometimes we get so caught up in the “biz and brand” or “career” that we don’t realize… it is just an extension of our truth, our art, our expression. Many of the women I am speaking to lately have shared that they are locking up their artist in their biz. And they want to let her out. To me, letting your expression soar in your biz or creating a stand out brand… begins with a stand out life.

So how do we create that life? (Which is the greatest work of art we will ever birth.)

Here’s what has helped me feel fully, live fully, express more fully…

When I am feeling frustrated I sometimes…

• Take a long afternoon at the park because I have so much on my mind, I could just scream or cry (or both)

• Rip out a page in my journal to write and just go at it, paper to pen non-stop until… I. Feel. Done.

When I want to express love and beauty I…

• Have a delicious afternoon lunch with my friend where we DON’T talk about business

• Put on a little make-up and primp even when I plan on staying home to work

• Throw on a chunky piece of jewelry

• Put flowers in every room of my house

When I want to take a stand I…

• Write a poem

•Write a rant

• And I share my words with anyone who will listen. Even if I have to take it to the streets. (My husband and just I did our first guerilla street poetry last week. Man. Talk about a rush. You just pick a public place and… express!)

When I want to feel joy I….

• Take a dance class

• Throw a goddess party with my girlfriends

• Cook the most elaborate dinner… for me!

• Act a fool. I get silly and tape my AlterSheEgos for you to watch (coming soon, loves)

Artist Activation

Today, I want you to write out…

1. Where you feel like you are shutting down your joy or expression

2. One thing you could DO to release that pent up expression

3. Who you need to be DAILY to allow yourself to express

Share your answers below so I can support you!




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