You Always Have the Right to say NO

When someone requests your time or energy and you tell them No, do you feel that you must explain (at length) why not?

Remember, it is your non-renewable time resource they are asking for and you have every right to say No (without justification).

Not that it can’t be a polite “No” or even more polite “No Thank You.”

When someone asks or makes a request, No is always an implied option for a response.  Otherwise it wouldn’t be a question.  Just because a yes may be expected doesn’t mean you are obligated to say yes.

I know it can be hard, especially with family and friends. (Especially if that have recently done you a favor and you are feeling obligated to return it).  Remember, you don’t necessarily have to return it RIGHT NOW.  You can return the favor sometime in the future, when it works better for your schedule.

When I talk to people and tell them “I teach people who have a challenge saying No, how to say No without feeling Guilty” the response I get is something like this:

“I always end up saying yes when I really don’t want to.”

“Saying “no” is terribly difficult for me”

“I SUCK at saying no.”

So, here are 12 quick replies you can use to say no, maybe have some fun and even find out how easy saying no can be.

1.  Just say No

2.  Gosh I wish I could, but I can’t.

3.  That won’t fit in my calendar.

4.  No Thank You

5.  I need more information, but for now, it will have to be a no.

6.  Thanks for asking, I’m afraid that won’t work for me.

7.  I’m not very good in that area, so I don’t really have fun doing that.  Someone else may be a better choice.

8.  I am sure you can understand that won’t work for me right now.

9.  I can’t but maybe _____(fill in the blank) would be interested.

10. Not now, but if I change my mind, I will let you know.

11. I’m sure that someone else could do this better, but thanks for asking.

12. Thanks for asking, but that really doesn’t fit into my life right now.

I would love to hear how you say No.

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