Your 60 Second Impression: How to Show Up and Have Others Notice

Chelsea Markel (Business Heroine Magazine)

Have you ever thought…

“What is he or she thinking? Are they curious to get to know me. I really want to make a great impression and want to be well received!”

Most people have had thoughts similar to this every once and awhile. Making a great impression is something that is highly important while networking for business and/or for pleasure.

How you show up is an important factor in determining how successful you will be in that social or business circle.

If you’re anything like me you are thinking…

“I want others to feel my passion and just get me!”

If you have the desire to make an incredible first impression then you’re in the right place.

It takes about 60 seconds or less to leave a lasting impression. Remember: you lead with your energy, body language and conversation starters… so use these things to your advantage.

Keep it simple and keep these tips in mind next time you want to leave an amazing impression…

Energy is everything! High energy leads to having exciting conversations with other enthusiastic people. Raise your energy and others will be naturally attracted to you. Before you enter a room do something to raise your energy. This could be jumping up and down, thinking of a time where you were completely unstoppable or even just doing a little dance!

Body language is huge when it comes to first impressions. Use your body language to show others that you are happy, passionate, full of energy, open to meeting new people and ready to have an amazing conversation. Smile, stand up tall and open your heart. Others will respond positively to you if your body language is inviting and ready to converse.

Conversation starters are a great way to get to know other people. The more interesting your conversation starters the better. People want to get to know others who have something interesting, bold and attention grabbing to say. Lead with something that you know will engage and excite others. Think of something you would want to talk about. Ask yourself, “What would grab my attention?” These questions will help you to pick topics that will engage others!

How you show up is important so use these tips to make a killer impression anytime, anywhere!

I’d love to hear from you. Have you ever wondered if you had made a great impression? When was the last time you felt truly confident in the way you showed up?

I look forward to hearing your shares!



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