Immerse to Emerge – Creating the Space for Your Business Dreams

An idea I had years ago recently re-emerged and practically smacked me in the face…

See, last week, I was reflecting on my own path into entrepreneurship… That first moment when I knew I no longer had to rely on side jobs or soul-sucking day careers to pay the bills. The experience of my own business that I LOVE actually being my expansive livelihood. Realizing that what I’m naturally called to share with the world is truly making a difference and people’s lives are transforming as a result.

What once existed only as a fantasy in my mind is now my real life. Experiences I couldn’t have even dreamed up are now infused my waking reality. It was a beautiful dream, and it’s even better in technicolor.

Before all that, though – during the time when my outer life didn’t yet reflect what I knew was my true path – I had an idea about something I wished existed for me…

I desperately wanted support, wanted guidance, wanted someone who had been down that road to hold the space for my dream to grow and actualize. Someone who could see the big picture of what was possible for me, to catch my small thinking and gently evoke within me what really wants to come through. More than that, someone to help me actually map it out, make it physical, bring my business into existence NOW.

I thought… If I could just shut out the rest of the world for a little bit and immerse myself in the creation of this business. Yes. And how about with the support of my own personal mentor who knows how to midwife this vision through me… yes, yes!

It would be almost like going into a creation bubble – just me and my business guide. We could even go to a magical location that summons out the most inspired ideas and instills a deep knowingness that this IS possible. And together, we’d roll up our sleeves and actually manifest my business NOW.

Oh man, wouldn’t that be nice?

After all, authors know the importance of hunkering down for a secluded writer’s retreat. Expecting mothers crave a private sanctuary to labor and birth. So what about bringing an inspired business to life? Where’s the sacred immersion for that?

I really wanted that. I knew it would be not just a fast-track, but a warp zone. Life-changing and galaxy-shifting. I wanted it, and couldn’t find anything like it. I remember thinking, ‘When I have this freedom-infused, abundance-generating, joy-activating business thing figured out, I’m going to do that for people.’

So that’s what I’m doing. The idea has been re-activated. NOW is the time. And you are invited.

I want to hold the space for YOU to birth this business that’s been on your heart for a long time. I want to support you in putting shape and structure to your ideas and desires that buzz like electricity. {After all, give electricity a grid, and it lights up the city}. I want to be your witness as you bravely dream big, to remind you and reassure you… yes, yes, yes love, you can have all of that.

And more. Dream bigger, I’ll coax. Let the dream flow through you, and together let’s anchor it into your waking reality, with a clear roadmap so you know exactly what to do to walk straight there. Let’s roll up our sleeves together and actually create this thing NOW.

Your Business Heroine Immersion. You and me. In person. In a place that activates your most potent magic. A place that pulls forth your creativity and truest dreams. And then? Your Emergence. Let me stay by your side as you roll this baby out and bring it to new heights.

I want you to know your back is had. You’re not alone, you are supported, and I’ve got you.

Let’s explore, shall we?

Go HERE to receive an application and schedule an exploration conversation with me >>

{A personal note}
  If part of you wants to click on the link above and the other part of you hesitates to go through with it… You might be just like me.

There’s a part of me that doesn’t like to be a bother, doesn’t like to waste someone’s time. There’s a part of me that writes off possibilities for myself before I even have all the details because some old voice inside assumes I can’t have it.

And then there’s a bigger part of me that says: I am allowed to receive someone’s time. I am allowed to take up space. I am allowed to explore possibilities without obligation to anyone or anything, because I get to choose what’s right for me. Besides, maybe I can have this thing. Maybe I can do something I’ve never done before and create a completely new reality. I am worth finding out.

My invitation to you – If you feel an inner nudge, set your hesitations aside, and allow yourself to explore with me. {Sometimes just clicking takes courage, so GO YOU for going for it}. And, just so you know? I’m not concerned about my time being wasted. Those whom this is right for will find their way to it. And, if you and I connect, it’s for a reason. We’ll explore where you are at now, what you deeply desire, what’s in the way, and what’s next for you so you can step solidly onto your truest path to experiencing your business dreams in your waking life. My commitment is to serve you in our conversation.

Connect with me here >>

Can you feel the business magic bubbling? I can.

Business Heroine Magazine


I’d love to hear from YOU…

Tell me, if you were to immerse yourself in a business incubator with your own private mentor, what would you want to create? Share your answer in the comments below! 




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