Your Divine Gifts = Your Earthly Treasure
How do we value the invisible?
How do we price divine gifts? How do we create beautiful luxurious lives doing spiritual work we love?
As a musician with a passion for connecting with heavenly healing energies, and also an earthly lover of life in luxurious abundance, my intention is to weave webs of divine guidance to allow these two worlds to harmoniously flow even more.
If you have spiritual gifts that you wish to share with the world while living the beautiful life of your dreams, I hope this helps you to create new circuits of connectivity between Heaven and Earth, to allow more earthly treasure to flow as you share your blessings.
Truly honouring your gifts, appreciating them and having that worth reflected in their value in this world, begins with deep listening. Breathe deeply into your core, infusing yourself with light and opening to soulful reflection.
Imagine that you are living the fulfillment of your dreams, feeling the deep joy, the purposeful passion, the nourishing love of sharing your beloved spiritual gifts. Feel the essence of why you love this.
This essence is the pearl of your dream. No matter what challenges or successes grace your path, it is always there. You may have chosen to protect this precious pearl, yet know that the love and light from which it comes is all the power you need to experience it’s realization. Just like a seed, your dream is in harmonic alignment with all it requires to grow fully.
When you are in tune with the essence of your desire, the truth of why you really love sharing your special magic, you are centered in the source of true power. Sharing what you truly love and what truly lights you up is medicine for this world.
When it comes to pricing this love in earthly terms, many people often feel blocked. It is vital that the energy exchange requests feel in alignment with integrity and honourable value.
Divine gifts come in many forms and the value of what they offer is often hard to measure. How do you put a price on peace, inspiration, happiness, bliss, or a deep meaningful connection with the divine?
Instead of waiting for others to decide, how about claiming the worth of what you offer? You are the one with the deepest connection to the heartfelt blessings you know you are giving. Feel into the essence and how it truly blesses your community.
The more we stand up for the value of the loving gifts we give, the more we claim the value of Heaven in this world while also honouring the value of Earth. When we claim honourable value for the gifts we’ve been given, we create more valuable experiences for all who come into alignment with the love we share.
Honour your worth and the value your heartfelt gifts present. I invite you to declare what you desire to receive when you share the full blooming of your divine gifts. Claim the Heaven on Earth that you truly desire, for the highest good of all.
As you truly treasure your dreams and claim their value, you may be called to step into a whole new expanded way of sharing them. This is good and right. You are a beloved child of Great Love and you are here to shine in amazing ways.
If your mind reaches a glass ceiling, perhaps with thoughts of limitations connected to the economy or past experiences, know you have the power to break free.
Remember that the source of all life is the same – whether you call it God, Goddess, Spirit, Source, or Great Love (this has been resonating more with my sense of it these days).
Breathe deeply and invite the presence of Great Love in your life and the expression of your gifts. You are lovingly listened to when you pray. You are treasure beyond measure.
You have the power and freedom to ask for what you truly desire, and all in your highest good will be granted. Trust and enjoy the flow!
Harmonizing Heaven and Earth is work that many of us are called to do through our creativity, business, relationships, and every breath of our lives. However you feel called to express your divine gifts, I invite you to honour their true worth.
It’s time for you to treasure the pearls of inspiration inside you, so the world can experience you and your dreams in full bloom.
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