From Poser to Pro (with Plenty of Play in Between)

Business Heroine Magazine


Once you decide to jump in, the pursuit of entrepreneurial success is a wild game. Here are some tips to get your butt moving and make the transition from Poser to Pro. Before you know it you’ll be able to write checks your butt CAN cash!


Get a clear idea on what you want to be a pro at. You may be passionate about something but that doesn’t necessarily mean it should be your profession. It might just take all the passion out of it when what you love becomes what you do to pay the bills. Be clear of the trade-offs if you decide to pursue your hobby and want to turn it into a money making machine.


This is probably what keeps most people in “poser” mode. Talk is talk. Talk is cheap. In order to become a pro, you have to take the first step. Get the ball rolling. Even if you don’t have all the facts & figures, a solid business plan or a clear 5 year plan, decide today to do SOMETHING. There is nothing that will launch you faster into success then getting out of your own way and getting started.

Experience is one of the main components that sets pros apart from posers. Every pro started somewhere and they all started with a first step. Don’t worry about if it’s the right step or you’re doing it the right way. You have to suck at something before you’re good at it and practice makes progress!


Be proactive and not reactive. It takes time to grow a business. It takes consistent action from you for people to see you as a pro and think of you as the go-to person for whatever service you are offering. That means consistently showing up even if no one else does. In the beginning, this might mean speaking to an empty room, tele-seminars with no attendees, email blasts and ad campaigns with no turnover.

Do everything with honor & integrity. There is nothing more powerful than people seeing you forging forward, unwavering. Become reliable & dependable and be there when people expect you to be.


Surround yourself with people who are already pros. Make sure whoever you seek advice from is in a position where you want to be. Don’t be led astray by well meaning friends or family members who have your best interest at heart but are broke, miserable posers themselves! Becoming a pro often requires separating yourself from the pack and setting yourself up & in line with those who don’t just say & dream but actually DO.


The road to success has many twist and turns. Set up a plan. Figure out the vital activities that will enable you to reach your goal and do them everyday. There is no better determination of success than to look at someone’s daily activities. This is not like winning the lottery or getting discovered.  Being a professional and setting yourself apart from the posers means being consistent & persistent. When you are working for yourself, it’s even harder.

You have to do what needs to be done even when you don’t feel like it. You’ve got to take your business serious and give your self the same respect you would give your boss, because now, you ARE the boss!

One final note, don’t forget to PLAY. Nothing is more attractive than a successful person pursuing their dream and having a blast. Know what’s important to you and don’t wait until you’ve “made it” to celebrate. Spend time with family. Exercise daily. Take time to appreciate what you are doing, what you have achieved and how far you are willing to go. There are many that dream but few that act.

Be proud of yourself and celebrate the fact that you have chosen to step up and go pro!




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