This Seat Reserved (For Your Passions)


It’s easy to lose the connection to our authentic self with our busy life.

I am sure you have felt like a cyclone – spinning, spinning and spinning just trying to get things done.

All that busy energy creates a break in intimacy with ourselves.

I like to think of intimacy as “into-me-I-see.”

You need to be intimate with yourself and know your wants, needs and desires just as much if not more than those of your spouse, kids or business.

Life is not about doing, it is about being.

I encourage you to begin to listen to your inner wisdom or what I like to call “The Wisdom Within.”

Now we might be unaware of it or ignore it, tempted to look outside of ourselves for answers, but that inner wisdom never leaves us.

Accessing this wisdom within requires that every day we become quiet, allowing ourselves to sink into a deep state of surrender, openness, and then inviting the answers to come forth.

And if we don’t receive an answer right away, that’s okay – we are holding the space for the answers to come.

You just might be led to your passion. That passion may mean a career change, but not necessarily. It could be expressed through a hobby, class, volunteering for a charity.

Examine those themes that keep weaving in and out of your mind throughout the years – working with kids, helping people, traveling. The reason they keep coming back is because they want to be expressed.

As women we give so much of ourselves. Now it is time to give to yourself. There is a passion reserved just for you.

My challenge to you is to set a non-negotiable time to just be with yourself.

Use this time to turn inward and find the calm within the busy-ness of life.

Pray, meditate and one thing I love to do is write in a journal. Just flow, don’t censor – see where it leads you.

I believe it will lead you exactly where you need to be.




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